Dear His Love and Sonshine friends, I wanted to thank you all for your love for the people of Gateway Nursery and Primary School! Thank you to those of you who have donated money for Teddy and her family who were able to receive basic items and food for her 8 children thanks to the funds you sent! Five of her 8 children who were and are living with Pastor Ernest and his wife, Mama Catherine. All of Teddy’s children have been impacted by your generosity. This is all thanks to YOU! Since Teddy has been released from the hospital she is also living with Pastor and Mama. Pray for her health and for her to continue to improve. The doctor said she will. Also, due to the funds you all donated for Teddy and her family, we were able to use the rest of the funds to repair her home!! Charles, sent me a video of Teddy’s home that I had sent to you all and seeing the horrible condition it was in and with all Teddy is going through my board and I felt that it was important to repair her and her children’s home. See pictures below. Thank you all for all you have done and do! You all have no idea the impact your prayers on behalf of the children at the school, your sponsorship and love for the people means! We love you all, His Love and Sonshine
Two updates regarding Teddy Suubi, the mother who was in the uber accident who 5 of her children go to Gateway and 2 are sponsored at the school. I just got this amazing update from Charles, our child sponsorship coordinator about Teddy Suubi. Charles said , “ I Also have some good news, Teddy is improving every day, yesterday she was able to go to church and attending the service and pastor Ernest told me that. Teddy Sung 3 songs nonstop, God is good. Today Teddy, she gained the energy and she was able to go back to hospital for the review, and she had an appointment with the doctor. I will definitely be keeping you posted on her situation, so we're still waiting for her to come back and tell us her checkup results from the doctor.” 2. As you may have seen in the previous email Charles sent a video of Teddy Suubi’s home and the horrific condition it was in. See video of the home currently. Our ministry has decided, thanks to Charles wisdom and my board, to use the rest of the funds sent specifically for Teddy Suubi’s family and funds from another family who have donated throughout the years, to repair her house!!! I will send pictures and videos that Charles takes once the repairs have been completed! Update regarding Teddy from Charles, “ Hi Rachel Mary! Good to hear from you, and this is good question. I have just received the good news about Teddy, she was discharged from hospital and and she's recovering so fast, glory be to our God.
5/28/2024 Dear His Love and Sonshine supporters, This is Rachel Guy. Update about Teddy Suubi and her family and see video and pictures belowRead NowThank you all so much for praying and for those who have sent funds for Teddy Suubi and her family!! See videos and picture below Update: Charles sent me the following updates regarding Teddy!! “ Hi Rachel Mary, good question. I have just got the updates about SUUBI Teddy, she's recovering day by day, and God is good. So there's much hope for discharging her from the hospital next week. But I will definitely be keeping you posted. Have a blessed day my family. She's now able to eat, I talked to the caretaker of Teddy today and Henry (the principal of Gateway school) too. The blood that was flowed to the brain, because of the immediate treatment was given to her, and it's now recovering slowly from her brain problem.” The money we sent over for the children who are staying with Pastor and Mama have been able to also feed the three older kids who are Teddy’s teenagers. They are staying at their home and are not with Pastor and Mama because they want to keep their house for their mom. They go to their house to get food from Pastor and Mama. Thank you all for praying!!! Two updates from Charles regarding the mother who was in the accident and who 5 of the 8 children were taken in by Pastor and Mama. Again, Pastor is the director of the school.
Update regarding the items our ministry bought and them being delivered. See pictures and updates from Charles below. And the second update from Charles is the one he received about the kids mother. The photos say it all. 1. Charles sent me an update of the food and items bought and he then delivered for the children whose mom is in the hospital!! He sent the following pictures and and video below of him seeing the children. 5 of the 8 kids are sponsored by Gateway! He visited the children’s home! It will make you cry. Charles said, “Hi Rachel Mary good morning from Uganda I hope you are doing well my family. Yes wonderful, yesterday I was able to purchase All the items and food relief, and took to pastors home. I thank God I was able also to meet the children, I met the 7 children out of 8, because the older girl was at school and she's doing her exams. I was also able to go with pastor Ernest and to see the house of this of 8 children, so in my small video I made I explained how life treats the this family so sad. Thanks so much His love and sonshine ministry for standing with this family and helping me with food relief.” 2. The other update is also from Charles sharing how the children’s mother is doing. Charles sent the following forwarded update about the mother. He said, “UPDATES ABOUT THE MOTHER OF THE CHILDREN. Hello friends, let's continue to pray for the mother, when I was in Entebbe at school, I was able to get the updates from hospital . Teddy who's the mother of 8 children, she's now recovering slowly and getting better each day. Let's continue praying for her for quick recovery so that she comes back home and see her children. This is now the picture shows the condition” Thank you all so much for your hearts for the staff and children at Gateway school and for your burden for them! Thank you for pouring into the school over the years through prayer and financial support!
I wanted to ask you all to pray. I got word yesterday regarding a major prayer need. For context as you read the email: Pastor Ernest and Mama Catherine, Pastor is the director of the school, are an incredible couple who have been married for 50 years and have for countless years taken in over 200 children to their home. They are incredible souls. Ava Weeks is a friend of mine and a friend of His Love and Sonshine's and an American missionary in Uganda. Pastor Ernest and Mama Catherine were only able to tell Ava Weeks about the situation yesterday as they were out of power and were not able to communicate with people over email. Pastor told Ava Weeks, a personal friend and friend of His Love and Sonshine's, and she emailed me to let me know of what happened. The situation: The mother, Teddy Suubi, of two of the children, Eden and Dorcus, who are sponsored at Gateway Nursery and School was in an accident on Monday and is in the hospital. Charles, our child sponsorship coordinator, found out what happened to the mother through Pastor Ernest, the director of the school. Charles said, "...The mother of our sponsored children, she could go to the clinic every morning, and her main job is in this clinic. She is a cleaner and she got in an accident on a boda boda (is like an Uber drive but you ride on a motorcycle) when she was going to her place in Entebbe road. And she fell on the boda boda and her head got affected." Charles also shared the update from Pastor Ernest today sharing that, "The doctors found a small blood flow in her brain and today she was able to sit up and eat breakfast." Due to this, the children were left at home without food and so amazing Pastor went and picked 5 of her 8 children up yesterday. Charles is going to go to the home of the children where the other three children are staying since they are old enough. Charles informed me through the principal of the school that the Pastor and Mama will need food and other items to care for the children. They will have the children stay with them until their mother gets better. His Love and SONshine is providing funds for Charles to pick up the items they need to care for the children and Charles will have a truck bring the item to Pastor and Mama's home. We will provide: rice, sugar, posho (like a cornmeal porridge), a box of soap, cooking oil, vaseline, toothpaste, salt, and beans. The situation: The mother, Teddy Suubi, of two of the children, Eden and Dorcus, who are sponsored at Gateway Nursery and School was in an accident on Monday and is in the hospital. Charles, our child sponsorship coordinator, found out what happened to the mother through Pastor Ernest, the director of the school. Charles said, "...The mother of our sponsored children, she could go to the clinic every morning, and her main job is in this clinic. She is a cleaner and she got in an accident on a boda boda (is like an Uber drive but you ride on a motorcycle) when she was going to her place in Entebbe road. And she fell on the boda boda and her head got affected." Charles also shared the update from Pastor Ernest sharing that, "The doctors found a small blood flow in her brain and today she was able to sit up and eat breakfast."
Rachel GuyWhen Rachel Guy was in elementary school, she was fascinated by children in African countries; her heart was particularly drawn to children who had been orphaned. At the age of twelve, the country of Uganda became the focus of Rachel’s interest and concern when a close family friend, Nancy Wellham, invited her to join her on a mission’s trip there. It was on this trip that Rachel visited Gateway Nursery and Primary school and fell in love with the people there. Four years ago, Rachel was shocked when she was invited to start a ministry for the school. With humility and gratitude, she said, “Yes” to this unlikely adventure with God. Archives
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